New agreement between Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and Sardinian Government to provide scientific and Technical support to eradicate African Swine Fever on the island
The project will be carried out by the research team SUAT-VISAVET led by Prof. José Manuel Sánche-Vizcaíno. The new eradication plan, expected to be the final after 30 years of presence of the disease in Sardinia, has received the green light from the European Union which has financed it with €1.08million as initial funding. The project will be coordinated by the Directorate General of the Presidency of the Region, which includes the Health, Agriculture and Environment departments, and will be supported by the international experts: Alberto Laddomada (EU Dirtectorate General of Health and Consumers) and Prof. José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno (Visavet Resarch Center, UCM).
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