Scientific publications / Other relevant publications / Books and inBooks / Other publications
Scientific publications (ISI Web of Science)
Other relevant publications
- Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., Martín L., Ordás A. “Adaptación y evaluación del enzimoinmunoensayo para la detección de anticuerpos de peste porcina africana”. Laboratorio 67 (400) 311-319. 1979
- Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., Mebus C., Mc Vicar J., Valero F. “Studies on Humoral and Cell Mediated Immunity in Pigs and Piglets Infected with different fields isolates of ASF. African Swine Fever. CEC. Eur. 8466 195-205. 1982
- Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., Tabares E., Salvador E., Ordás A. “Comparative Studies of two antigens for the use in the Indirect Elisa test for the detection of ASF antibodies. African Swine Fever”. CEC Eur. 8466 101-106. 1982
- Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., Crowther J., Wardley R. “A collaborative study on the use of the ELISA in the diagnosis of ASF”. African Swine Fever. CEC. Eur. 8466 297-325. 1983
- Laviada M.D., Babín M., Domínguez J., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M. “Adaptation and Field Evaluation of an ELISA Sandwich for Detection of African Horse Sickness Viruses. Bluetongue, African Horse Sickness and Related Orbiviruses”. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Edited by Thomas E. Walton and Bennie I. Osburn. CRC Press. Inc. Boca Raton. Florida 33431. 640-645. 1992
- Laviada M.D., Babín M., Roy P., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M. “Adaptation and Evaluation of an Indirect ELISA and Immuno-Blotting Test for African Horse Sickness Antibody Detection. Bluetongue, African Horse Sickness and Related Orbiviruses”. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Edited by Thomas E. Walton and Bennie I. Osburn. CRC Press. Inc. Boca Raton. Florida 33431. 646-650. 1992
- Aguero JM., Arias M., Blanco E., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. "Development of a novel multiplex PCR for porcine circovirus detection and preliminary field testing". Proceeding of International Virology Congress, 255-256, 2000. (Outreach arcticle)
- Blanco E., Conde D., Harrak M., Gil M., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. "1999 FMDV epidemic in Morocco: Serosurvillance in sheep". Proceeding of International Virology Congress, 182-183, 2000. (Outreach arcticle)
- Arias M., Aguero JM., Sanchez C., Romero L., Canals A., Gomez-Tejedor C., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. "Detection of PRRS virus in pig sera and semen with a newly developed PCR method: in vivo, in vitro and field testing". Mac.Journal of Animal Reproduction, 6(1): 69-81, no. 2000. (Outreach arcticle)
- Pintado B., Gutierrez-Adan A., Castilla J., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Torres JM. "New transgenic models for the diagnosis of BSE". Association European de Transfer Embryonaire, 13,10-13, AETE. 2000. (Outreach arcticle)
- Laviada M., Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM., Roy P., Sobrino F. “Detection of African horse sickness virus by the polymerase chain reaction. Invest”. Agr. SA. 12. 97-102. 1997
- León M., Casal J., Gomez-Tejedor C., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M. “Simulation of the risk of airborne spread of foot and mouth disease virus from a high security laboratory release”. Epidemiol santé anim. 31-32. 1997
- Boinas F., Calistri P., Domingo M., Martinez-Aviles M., Martinez-Lopez B., Rodriguez-Sanchez B., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. "Scientific review on African Horse Sickness". EFSA Journal, The Efsa Journal Editorial Policy. 2009. (Outreach arcticle)
- Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Martinez-Lopez B., Martinez-Aviles M., Martins C., Boinas F., Vial L., Michaud V., Jori F., Etter E., Albina E., Roger F. "Scientific review on African Swine Fever". EFSA Journal, The Efsa Journal Editorial Policy. 2009. (Outreach arcticle)