We collaborate in the following subjects:
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1st and 2nd Term
- Immunology
- Preventive Medicine and Health Police
- Infectious Diseases
- Farms
- How to respond in a Biosafety and Defense Crisis
3rd Term
- Integral Biosafety
- Introduction to techniques in Clinical Microbiology and Parasitology.
- Diagnostic of infectious and parasite diseases of veterinary interest.
Other colaborations
- Master in Food Safety.
- Courses at UIMP (Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo).
- Courses at ULPG (Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria).
- Courses at UM (Universidad de Murcia).
- Courses at CEU University ( Universidad Cardenal Herrera de Valencia).
- Course on Exotic Diseases (CISA-INIA)