First outbreak of Bluetongue Virus (BTV) in Spain in the period of vector activity 2013-2014
Almudena Sánchez Matamoros & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
October 18th, 2013. SUAT-UCM
On October 15, Veterinary Officers of Andalusia and Castilla -La Mancha have reported the recirculation of BTV serotype 1 in Toledo and BTV serotypes 4 in Cadiz.
The first outbreak of BTV 1 of the vector activity 2013- 2014 has declared on a sentinel farm located in the district of Oropesa (Toledo). The outbreak was detected in unvaccinated bovine of the Bluetongue Surveillance National Program. Confirmation has been carried out by the Algete Central Veterinary Laboratory indicating that it is an outbreak of serotype 1. This fact implies the recurrence of the disease in Spain in 2013 after the last outbreak detected in Caceres in 2012.
Simultaneously, the first outbreak of BTV 4 of vector activity 2013-2014 was reported on a sheep farm located in the region of Campo de Gibraltar (Cadiz). The sampling was performed by the appearance of symptoms compatible with the disease. In the same way, confirmation and serotyping of the virus has been carried out by the Algete Central Veterinary Laboratory. In this case the recurrence of the disease has occurred six months after of the last reported outbreak in the same region.
Outbreaks have been declared in the restricted areas of disease for each of the serotypes, but Spanish Government has decided to increase the prevention, surveillance and control measures of the disease in these areas. The aim is prevent the spread of the disease and increase the information epidemiology of the disease in Spain. In addition, the vaccination of susceptible animals in the affected areas and neighboring areas has been recommended.
Links: RASVE