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First outbreak of bluetongue virus in Spain in the period of vector activity 2012-2013

Almudena Sánchez Matamoros  & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
November 7th, 2012. SUAT-UCM

On November 6, the first outbreak of bluetongue virus of vector activity 2012 – 2013 has been declared on a bovine sentinel farm located in Malpartida de Plasencia (Caceres, Spain). Confirmation of disease has been carried out by the Central Veterinary Laboratory Algete indicating that this is an outbreak of serotype 1. This fact implies the recurrence of the disease in Spain in 2012 in a restricted zone of the disease, so that no restrictions are set on the animal movements.

 Primer foco de Lengua Azul
Fig. 8: First outbreak of bluetongue virus in Spain in the new period of vector activity 2012-2013. 
Source: Red de Alerta Sanitaria (MAGRAMA).