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Intensive training on a practical African Swine Fever

From March 2 to 5, 2020 an intensive course on the control of ASF was given in VISAVET to participants from Japan and Korea.

The speaker was the Professor José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno with the collaboration of José Ángel Barasona, Jaime Bosh, Sandra Barroso, Cecilia Aguilar, Estefanía Cadenas and Marta Martínez.

The Japanese participants were members of the Minister Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF), from the Animal Health Division and the Animal Quarantine Service, researchers from the National Institute of Animal Health and one Professor from the Hokkaido University. The Korean delegate belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture.

The objective was to give a scientific and practical update adapted to Japan and Korea about different points related to the diseases such as the main risk points to consider as a country and as a farm, the early detection in domestic pigs and wild boar, the importance of the laboratory diagnosis and results interpretation, the epidemiological surveys and practice on the questionnaire, the role of wildlife in the epidemiology of ASF and model for its control as well the contingency plans.

The delegates feed-back have been very positive.