SUAT Universidad Complutense Madrid

The SUAT team is a group dedicated to the Viral Immunology and Preventive Medicine Service at the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre belonging to the Complutense University of Madrid

Main researches are focused in the diagnosis of animal viruses and epidemiological analyses of disease risk of introduction, risk of spread and early detection. Important scientific publications reinforce theses researches on different diseases such as Foot-and-Mouth Disease, West Nile, Avian Influenza, African Swine Fever, Classical Swine Fever, African Horse Sickness, Bluetongue, etc. And several collaborations were carried out jointly along these works with different partnerships such as OIE, FAO, OIRSA, DG SANCO, EFSA, etc.

In addition, SUAT team is the Reference Laboratory for the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) for African Swine Fever and African Horse Sickness. 


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