Countries with AHS free status
African Horse Sickness (AHS) has been included in the list of diseases eligible for Official recognition of disease status by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).At the 80th General Session of the Assembly of OIE Delegates (20-25 May 2012) has approved the inclusion of the AHS in the procedure for the official recognition of disease status. The official recognition by the OIE of the AHS free status of Member Countries is of great importance to international trade, improving transparency in terms of animal health. In addition, this recognition is one of the most important legal links between the OIE and World Trade Organization (WTO).
The procedures for granting or modify the official status of a country are handled in an objective and transparent manner, in accordance with Standard Operating Procedure of the OIE.
More information about the procedures
Alumudena Sánchez Matamoros & José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
Section of African Horse Sickness (AHS)