Post-doctoral position
The Veterinary College of Kansas State University opened a post-doc position in epidemiology of Foreign Animal Diseases.
"Micromurderers" premiere
On February 1st at 22:50 h premieres on The History Channel documentary "Micromurderers" in which our group has worked.
Do not miss it!
Marina Vicente Rubiano PhD defense
Marina Vicente Rubiano read her PhD Thesis entitled "Virological and Epidemiological analysis of Colony Collapse Disorder in Spain. Marina Vicente RubianoStudy of causes and consequences" on 26 January 2016, obtaining the highest qualification cum laude.
The SUAT group gives you the most sincere congratulations
Marina Vicente Rubiano PhD Thesis
On tuesday January 26 Marina Vicente Rubiano defend her Doctoral Thesis entitled "Virological and Epidemiological analysis of Colony Collapse Disorder in Spain. Study of causes and consequences”, directed by Joaquín Goyache, Deborah Kukielka and Jose Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno.
Evidence of shared bovine viral diarrhea infections between red deer and extensively raised cattle in south-central Spain
New research article published at BMC Veterinary Research.
Decreases the number of outbreaks of African swine fever in Sardinia
In two years cases have been reduced 60%. Also decrease caused by illegal breeding.