Technical Conference on bloodsucking insects of interest in Public Health and Animal Health
The Spanish Association of Veterinary Municipalities (AVEM) organized this conference in Zaragoza on 12 and 13 May 2016.
Professor José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno participates with a presentation entitled "Information management and communication in crisis situations and / or perceived risks".
New publication Be-FAST in Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Implementation and validation of an economic module in the Be-FAST model to predict costs generated by livestock disease epidemics: Application to classical swine fever epidemics in Spain
XV Congress on Veterinary Science and Biomedicine
El grupo SUAT ha participado en las XI Jornadas Complutenses. X Congreso Nacional Investigación Alumnos Pregraduados en Ciencias de la Salud. XV Congreso de Ciencias Veterinarias y Biomédicas con tres comunicaciones orales de sus alumnos:
- Vargas-Castro I. "Aplicación de la termografía en la detección de lesiones cutáneas en mamíferos marinos"
- Serna-Bernaldo C., Santamaria-Paez A. y Tapias-Garcia A. "Problemática de la peste porcina africana en Europa. Alternativas futuras" Premiada como mejor comunicación científica.
- Roman-soria J., Meana-Pereira J. y Nombela-Merchan J. "¿Por qué seguimos sin vacuna para la peste porcina africana?"
Development of a Luminex-Based DIVA Assay for Serological Detection of African Horse Sickness Virus in Horses
New article inTransboundary and Emerging Diseases journal.
Be-FAST: Between-Farm-Animal Spatial Transmission
The UCM research teams SUAT-VISAVET and MOMAT have officially registered in the Intellectual Property Office the model Be-FAST (Between-Farm-Animal Spatial Transmission).
Be-FAST is a computer program based on a time-spatial mathematical model to assess the health and economic consequences in the swine industry caused by livestock notifiable diseases as listed by the World Organisation for Animal Health. This software runs Monte-Carlo simulations based on hypothetical infections of livestock farms located in a defined region (country or area). The disease diffusion assumes a stochastic model (Susceptible-Infected type) within farms and the epidemic spread among farms assumes a stochastic model focused on individuals (each farm being considered as an individual) Susceptible- exposed-Infected (SEI), caused by direct contact (animal movement) or indirect contact (vehicles, people or lorries), taking into account the spatial distribution of farms. The main measures implemented by European regulations for the control and eradication of such epidemics are also incorporated to estimate the potential health and economic consequences of possible outbreaks.